The Government agrees on the authenticity of Shiv Yog Farming
Shiv Yog Farming's authenticity is gaining scientific approval as well as Governmental acceptance. In 2018, the present Agriculture Minister of Goa, Shri Vijay Sardesai appealed to the farmers to adopt Shiv Yog Farming and motivated Shiv Yog Farming's progressive programs. Seeing the benefits of Shiv Yog Farming for the farmers, he took this step for the upliftment of Goa's farmers and agriculture. Social worker Mrs. Usha Sardesai started this program along with some senior farmers. Their aim was to research and implement the ancient and traditional farming methods to bring back to life the failing agriculture practices in the world. In Shiv Yog Farming's experimental programs, rice seeds are sown without any pesticide and fertilizer. To study the yield of this experiment, when a team of scientists and agriculture experts accompanied the farmers, they found that the yield of this experiment was the same as that of the one with pesticides and fertilizers. We would like to inform you that after seeing the authenticity of Shiv Yog Farming, the Central Government has included it in its 'Traditional Agriculture Progress Plan'. Now please see this video to know what the present Agriculture Minister of Goa Shri Vijay Sardesai has to say about Shiv Yog Farming.
शिवयोग फार्मिंग की प्रमाणिकता पर सरकार की भी सहमति
शिवयोग कृषि की प्रमाणिकता को वैज्ञानिक समर्थन के साथ साथ सरकारी स्तर से भी स्वीकृति मिल रही है। 2018 में गोवा के तत्कालीन कृषि मंत्री श्री विजय सरदेसाई जी ने किसानों से शिवयोग फार्मिंग अपनाने की अपील करते हुए शिवयोग कृषि की प्रयोगात्मक परियोजना को प्रोत्साहित भी किया था। शिवयोग फार्मिंग से किसानों को हुए फायदों को देखकर उन्होंने गोवा के किसान और गोवा की कृषि की उन्नति के लिए ये कदम उठाया था। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता श्रीमती उषा सरदेसाई जी ने कुछ प्रबुद्ध किसानों के साथ मिलकर इस परियोजना की शुरुआत की थी। इनका मकसद प्राचीन और पारंपरिक खेती की इस विधि का अध्ययन और अनुसंधान कर विश्व भर में असफल होती कृषि को पुनर्जीवित करना है। शिवयोग फार्मिंग की इस प्रयोगात्मक परियोजना में बिना किसी रासायनिक खाद या कीटनाशक के इस्तेमाल के धान के बीज बोए गए थे। इसकी उपज का अनुसंधान करने के लिए किसानों के साथ वैज्ञानिक और कृषि विभाग के कुछ अधिकारियों की टीम पहुंची तो उन्होंने पाया कि इस विधि से भी उपज उतनी ही हुई जितनी कि रासायनिक खाद और कीटनाशक का उपयोग करने से होती थी। आपको बता दें कि शिवयोग कृषि की प्रमाणिकता को देखते हुए केंद्र सरकार ने इसे "परंपरागत कृषि विकास योजना" के अंतर्गत सूचीबद्ध किया है।
अब इस वीडियो में देखिये गोवा के तत्कालीन कृषि मंत्री श्री विजय सरदेसाई जी का शिवयोग फार्मिंग के बारे में क्या कहना है? www.shivyogfarming.com

A gift of Ancient India
World Soil Day
Changing the face of Modern Farming
*ShivYog Krishi News*

Avdhoot Shivanand ji has been teaching Shiv Yog Krishi since many years but he made a mass announcement in 2014 and since then opened it to fall farmers across the country. Shiv Yog Farming is the first ever project based on nourishment of crops through cosmic energy. The project rippled across the entire globe with unimaginable results reaped by the poor farmers and the agriculture industry. Avdhoot Shivanand ji, the ShivYogi Master made a huge contribution to the well being of the human beings, who tirelessly worked for more than 20 years in human, animal plant the welfare. With his intense penance and hard work to win the grace an d blessings of the Divine after a lifetime of austerities, he decided to put this sacred wisdom of healing for the betterment of the world. After close to two decades of teaching lakhs of people the powers of Shiv Yog Cosmic Medicine and teaching doctors, he decided that it was time for the farmers to benefit. In the early 2014, Babaji announced that he would now begin travelling extensively and spend more time with the poor farmers, not just educating them but also empowering them into the ShivYog mindfulness Meditation.

Shiv Yog Model Village
ShivYog Model Villages are those villages which have been adopted by ShivYog, where farmers are empowered with the practices of ShivYog Farming in their daily lives. Making such models have been started with the aim to create paradises, where each and every farmer become prosperous, healthy and happy. They begin growing toxic-free food and help increase the Amritasya Bhojan (nectar-like food) production for the growing population. Regular satsangs are conducted in the model villages where once a week, farmers get together and meditate and do sankirtan also together. Imagine creation of a paradise, immune from diseases, crime, catastrophes, calamities and disasters. Imagine communities and wide swathes of population happy, harmonious, healthy, peaceful, prosperous & content.

All About ShivYog Krishi
Why is it the need of the Hour?

Whenever our team visit the farmers practicing ShivYog Farming, many of them come forward to eagerly share their gratitude and experiences. Many a times, we are ourselves astonished by the sharing of the farmers. The initiative taken by Avdhoot Shivanand ji to bring divinity into our crops and lives of farmers seems to have benefited far more than imagined. For the benefit of everyone, these experiences are recorded and presented to you with one video daily being uploaded to the ShivYog YouTube channel.
Indian Farming impacted like never before
The Ancient Indian Shiv Yog Farming
Indian farmers from across various states in India have learnt ShivYog Farming and implemented it in their farming. It was easy for them because it involves no investments, no additional costs. Moreover, they actually reduced their costly artificial agricultural supports to find out easily and naturally their soil, seeds and crops thrived on the natural source of nourishment that they learnt to channel through ShivYog Farming. Avdhoot Shivanand ji reminds that the manifold increase in the sufferings of human beings through food and disease has not come from nature but has happened when man deviated from the natural course of living. He is very hopefully reviving the ancient Indian way of farming through ShivYog Farming.
My Motherland's soil produces priceless treasures
Best natural organic zero-expense farming
The New Age Farming - ShivYog Farming
The boon of farmers in our life
A Boon to India's Farmers & Citizens
How does Nature respond when we support Nature
The only way to do away with the damages we have caused to nature is now take steps to stop any kind of artificial intervention. Rather, we need to support nature by helping undo the damages by nourishing it with the rich life-giving forces that nourishes everything - from soil to water to seeds to crops to harvest. The best person who deals with them everyday all are the FARMERS. ShivYog Farming helps farmers understand this and train them in bringing cosmic nourishment to their crops through ShivYog Farming, with noted results within few months of the dedicated practice.
When studies were done on the impacts of ShivYog Farming, many things came to light and more than that were revealed more powerful impacts by the farmers themselves. When we observed farmers speaking on a common set of impacts seen farming, these impacts were categorised in the videos for easy understanding of the impacts ShivYog Farming had on SOIL, WATER, CROPS, SEEDS, CATTLE, PESTS, FARMER HEALTH, FARMER EARNINGS, ADDICTIONS, ENVIRONMENT AND ON THE FOOD QUALITY.